Pregnancy and childbearing are crazy aren’t they? First this little one invades your body and takes up space, then they make a grand exit and steal your entire heart. It’s a life transition like no other. Suddenly, that tiny little baby, who can’t even see your face very clearly, instinctually knows who you are: mommy. You are their safe place, their sustenance, their entire world.
I jumped into motherhood blindly. We planned to get pregnant, and I had experience with plenty of babies. But I had no clue what I was walking into in regard to pregnancy and birth. I wish I could go back and tell younger me what I know now, but since I can’t, I thought I’d tell you. These are my top tips for pregnancy!
Educate yourself and your partner on birth during pregnancy
This suggestion is bifold. I think it is absolutely crucial for a pregnant mama and her partner to take a childbirth course. But I also know from experience that even if you know exactly what your body is going through during labor and why, nothing matters if your mind and heart aren’t ready. So yes, please take a class. Hypnobirthing, Lamaze, Bradley method, etc. are all fantastic, especially if you’re planning a homebirth or unmedicated hospital delivery. But please face your fears surrounding labor too.
It’s okay to be scared of the unknown. It’s okay to process that you do have to birth that child into the world in order to meet her. I remember having that thought in my third trimester with my first baby. It petrified me, and, unfortunately, I didn’t allow myself to face that fear and process it, which came back to bite me during her labor. Take time to sit with those thoughts. Meditate on God’s word, listen to hypno tracks designed for pregnancy, pray on it, seek out a great counselor to help guide you through the psychological side of things. It is so worth it, I promise.
See a Webster certified chiropractor regularly during all trimesters of pregnancy
Prior to having my oldest kiddo, I thought chiropractic care was strange and scary. Now, I won’t go through another pregnancy without it. During my second pregnancy, I saw my chiropractor regularly from week 14 on (aka when my morning sickness eased up). At first I went in every 4 weeks. After a month or so, I switched to every two weeks. Then, near the end, I went in every week, if not twice a week. My chiropractor adjusts my round ligaments, back, neck (gently), and uterine muscles. For babies 2 and 3, this helped with positioning and optimization of my uterine muscles tremendously. It was easier for me to spot the difference because my first baby was in an almost transverse position at 41 weeks that led to a cesarean, while my second baby (VBAC) practically flew out of me with no issues.
Utilize a workout routine designed with pregnant women in mind
I’m not very good at this one, but it’s something I strive to do during my pregnancies. It’s important to not over do exercise while growing your little one, but no exercise can lend itself to a body that isn’t as prepared for labor. I love Expecting and Empowered’s guide for both pregnancy and postpartum. Their guides include stretches, pelvic floor work, body weight exercises, and weight lifting. And it’s developed by a women’s health PT and her sister who has an extensive background in fitness training.
Eat a nutrient dense diet when hormones allow
Each pregnancy, my food aversions have gotten stronger and stronger, but I continue to hold to the belief that our babies need us to eat well, both when they’re inside and outside of our bodies. Some of my top recommendations include organic pasture raised eggs, high quality and minimally processed dairy such as cream, cheese, and milk, organic grass-fed beef and pasture raised poultry, berries, root vegetables, and, if tolerated, liver. Liver can also be consumed in capsule form, if that’s more your style.
Pray over your baby
Scripture indicates that God is speaking to our children even when they are in the depths of our womb. He knows them intimately and He holds their little lives in His hands. Praying for your little one and praying protection over your birth invites God into the experience with you. He cares for you both deeply.
Hire a doula or have a support person there
Our childbirth instructor recommended this to us when I was first pregnant, but we didn’t have the finances to hire one at the time. However, we asked her to join us for our second delivery 2 years later, and it made a world of difference. Our friend/childbirth instructor was able to advocate for me and communicate with the nursing staff at the hospital so my husband didn’t have to. It allowed him to focus on me and support me completely. Additionally, our friend continuously spoke words of encouragement over me such as “you’re doing such a great job” and “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing it.” She and my husband both spoke those words over me at times when I felt like I couldn’t go on, and I think every woman needs that during birth, especially their first.
Sidenote: If you’re in the Fort Collins, CO area and want to take a childbirth class or join the community that our childbirth educator has been growing check out her work with Bloom at Alpha Center. The link is provided here!
Communicate with your spouse before your pregnancy ends
My final suggestion may not hold the same weight with you as it does with me, so please allow this one to mean to you what it will. Having my spouse by my side and supporting me through labor was crucial. But I had no clue what I would need or want in the midst of pain. During our first labor, we didn’t realize how much he would need to advocate for me and help me focus on not getting stuck in fear. So during our second pregnancy, we practiced labor positions often. We retook our childbirth class together. He listened to me as I processed what I was scared of in regard to labor. But most importantly, we knew we were in it together!
My encouragement would be to have honest conversations surrounding birth and prepare for the following two scenarios. 1) you want tons of hands on support and direction or 2) you want to be left the heck alone but still supported. Prepare for both so that he’s ready to assist in whichever scenario labor guides you into.
While we live in a fallen world with many things that go wrong when they should go right, I still strongly believe this: You are meant to birth this baby. God knit that little one together right inside of you because, in His sovereignty, He chose the two of you for each other. Your body knows what to do and your baby knows what to do, so trust the process. And cast out all fear because it has no place in this beautiful season you’re in.
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